Professional translations are terminological and specific. Their style suits your corporate identity and is adapted to cultural differences.

Larissa Lampl, Ceramics and Language Expert

Ceramic Language Services

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Specialist translations

Specialist publications, technical documentation, brochures, websites, PR texts and more. 

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Texts and editing

Texts according to your specifications and briefing. Editing and proofreading of technical and advertising texts.

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Project management

Coordination of multilingual translation projects with comparison of corporate and specialist terminology. 

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Bilingual and multilingual glossaries are an overview of your specialist terminology that can be accessed anytime.

Awareness of ceramic language: only the specialist deserves your trust. 

Excellent language skills, specialist knowledge and intercultural competence are the prerequisites for quality translations and texts. They not only sound good - they clearly emphasise the uniqueness of your company in the target culture and your industry.

Ceramic communication cannot just be a case of substituting words and phrases in the other language. Rather, it is the transfer of communication into the target language and requires professional understanding and comprehensive knowledge of the communication and interpretation patterns in the source and target culture.

I am a specialist in the field of ceramics. My texts and translations are ceramic-specific, terminologically and stylistically adapted to your corporate language and terminology.

Stylistic representation

You will receive high-quality texts and translations that suit your company and emphasise its ceramic features. You will benefit from precisely formulated, idiomatic texts that serve their purpose and are adapted to the target culture. You can use them to communicate across language barriers and present your company confidently using the appropriate ceramic specialist terminology.

For me, professional cooperation means mutual respect and showing interest, openness and appreciation.

While taking your individual wishes into account and maintaining absolute confidentiality, I guarantee reliable time management and the smooth running of the projects.

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Larissa Lampl

Ceramist and certified translator
Member of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ)

Zum Meisterreitel 4 76275 Ettlingen
Telephone: +49 (0)176 96907084

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